Sunday 12 April 2009

Easter Sunday

Well, it's Easter. Joy. My family are all in brilliant moods, obviously. My dad is stressed because it's a day where your supposed to be happy, so obviously that causes a lot of stress and upset on his angry pessimistic brain. My mum is now stressed because my dad is stressed. Hugo, my adorable 12 year old brother, is stressed because he's Hugo, and OMFG not everyone in the room is paying attention to him. Oh, and he can't plug in his laptop and that's stressing him out. That just leaves me and Milo, the 9 year old one. We have to get together and fight against the evil. Actually, I don't include my mum in the evil category. Just my dad and Hugo. Well, maybe I'm being slightly hypocritical, as I'm not in a brilliant mood, but it's only because of my family. But hey, at least I got Easter eggs...
I usually spend Easter in bed, with all my chocolate, watching all of The O.C. This year, however, we are in our London flat, which means I don't have my own room, let alone my own bed... It's actual torture. Apart from the bathroom, I actually have nowhere to be on my own. And the bathroom's boring, and small, and every now and then an angry boy will bang on the door, commanding me to get out. So, I spend my days either around London (expensive), or on my laptop in front of the telly (boring + unproductive)... I wanna go back to Wales, but I don't at the same time 'cos it's sooo dull, and it takes ages to get anywhere. Now I've cracked the Tube (it's so awesome!), I can go anywhere I want when I'm in London, but in Wales, I spend most of my days begging my dad to give me lifts to places... Arghh it's so annoying! I can't wait to get back to school. I don't have my own room, but at least I have my own bed, and I share the room with girls, not boys. I miss it so much!
But, unfortunately, I will only be in school for about 6 weeks, 'cos on June the 10th I will be having an operation on my spine to correct my Scoliosis. That basically means my spine is shaped like an 'S'... That can't be good... So yeah, should be interesting. I'm actually kinda looking forward to it. Honestly. I've always wanted to stay overnight in a hospital, and now I get to stay for 10 days! I'm quite worried about having a tube up my nose or down my throat... They look really uncomfortable.
Anyway, I'm gonna go and do nothing now. Speak soon.


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